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Heller & C GmbH
Branding/Corporate Identity

Lindenstrasse 20, 50674 Köln
Telefon +49 221 92 16 17 0
Fax +49 221 92 16 17 92

Geschäftsführer: Lars Heller
Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE 816 924 841
Registergericht: AG Cologne
Handelsregisternummer: HRB 63974

Verantwortlich gemäß § 5 TMG: Lars Heller

Die Heller & C GmbH prüft und aktualisiert die Informationen auf ihrer Webseite ständig. Trotz aller Sorgfalt können sich Daten und Informationen jeglicher Art inzwischen verändert haben. Eine Haftung, Garantie oder sonstiges Einstehen für die Aktualität, Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen kann daher nicht übernommen werden. Gleiches gilt auch für alle anderen Webseiten, auf die direkt mittels Hyperlink oder in sonstiger Weise verwiesen wird. Die Heller & C GmbH ist für den Inhalt der Webseiten, die aufgrund einer solchen Verbindung oder Hinweis erreicht werden, nicht verantwortlich. Die Heller & C GmbH lehnt ausdrücklich jegliche Form der Haftung – ob Vertragshaftung, Deliktshaftung, Gefährdungshaftung oder sonstiger Haftung für direkten oder indirekten Schadensersatz, Ersatz des beiläufig entstandenen Schadens, Strafe einschließlich Schadensersatz oder konkrete Schäden, die daraus resultieren oder in Zusammenhang damit stehen, dass die Heller & C GmbH Seite aufgerufen, benutzt oder nicht benutzt werden können, oder mit einem Leistungsausfall, einer Unterbrechung, einem Defekt, einer Übertragungsverzögerung, einem Computervirus oder sonstigen schädlichen Elementen oder einem Leitungs- und Systemausfall in Zusammenhang mit der Heller & C GmbH Webseite, unabhängig davon, ob die Heller & C GmbH sich der Möglichkeiten solcher Schäden bewusst war oder nicht ab. Des Weiteren behält sich die Heller & C GmbH das Recht vor, jederzeit Änderungen oder Ergänzungen der bereitgestellten Informationen vorzunehmen. Inhalt, Struktur und Gestaltung der Heller & C GmbH Webseite sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Die Vervielfältigung, Änderung, Darstellung, Verbreitung, Übermittlung, Veröffentlichung, Verkauf, Lizenzierung, Bearbeitung, Verfremdung oder Nutzung von Informationen oder Daten für welche Zwecke auch immer, insbesondere die Verwendung von Texten, Textteilen oder Bildmaterial, bedarf der vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung der Heller & C GmbH.



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Developed 2013 by  Interactive Pioneers

Heller & C GmbH
Branding/Corporate Identity

Lindenstrasse 20, 50674 Cologne, GERMANY
Telephone +49 221 92 16 17 0
Fax +49 221 92 16 17 92

Managing Director: Lars Heller
VAT-No.: DE 816 924 841
Registration Court: AG Cologne
Commercial Register No.: HRB 63974

Responsible for content as per Section 5 TMG: Lars Heller

The Heller & C GmbH checks and updates the information on its website constantly. In spite of all the care taken, it is possible for any type of data and information to change in the meantime. Therefore no liability, guarantee or other responsibility can be assumed for the provided information being up-to-date, correct and complete. The same thing also applies to all other websites that are referred to directly by means of a hyperlink or in any other way. The Heller & C GmbH is not responsible for the content of the websites that can be reached by means of such a link or reference. The Heller & C GmbH expressly reject any form of liability – whether contract liability, liability in torts, strict/absolute liability, or any other liability for direct or indirect damages, incidental damage, fines including damages or specific damage resulting from or in connection with it being possible for the Heller & C GmbH page to be retrieved, used or not used, or with a loss of production, an interruption, a fault, a transmission delay, a computer virus, or any other harmful elements or a failure of a line or a system in connection with the Heller & C GmbH website, independent of whether or not the Heller & C GmbH was aware of the possibilities of such damage. Moreover, the Heller & C GmbH reserves the right to make changes or additions to the provided information at any time. The content, structure, and design of the Heller & C GmbH website are copyright protected. The duplication, change, presentation, distribution, transmission, publication, sale, licensing, editing, alienation or utilisation of information or data for whatever purposes, especially the use of text, text elements or artwork requires the prior written consent of the Heller & C GmbH.

Developed 2013 by  Interactive Pioneers


Heller & C GmbH
Branding/Corporate Identity

Marchlewskistrasse 77, 10243 Berlin, GERMANY
Telephone +49 30 29 36 63 77

Lindenstrasse 20, 50674 Cologne, GERMANY
Telephone +49 221 92 16 17 0


Reputation results from relevance.

  • Selected Corporate Cases

    Real communication begins with a transmission of credibility – a reason for us to emphasize trend-resistant assets for over 20 years.


for United Nations Climate Change Secretariat

  • United Nations Climate Change Secretariat Logo

    Heller & C creates a new Corporate Brand Identity for UNFCCC. A public-directed communication avoids using complicated acronyms and spells out ‘United Nations Climate Change’, adding the specific name of body, event or programme such as ‘Secretariat’, ‘Conference’ or ‘Clean Development Mechanism’. The new color code puts forward the official United Nations blue.

for Flossbach von Storch

  • Flossbach von Storch Logo
    Flossbach von Storch

    In the course of the past 15 years Flossbach von Storch AG has grown into to one of Europe’s largest independent investment companies with an actual volume of more than 15 billion €. This success is founded on a strict consistent investment approach according to five investment principles. Heller & C declares the pentagon shape as the core element of a new Corporate Brand Identity. 

for City of Cologne

  • City of Cologne Logo
    Stadt Köln

    The ‘nucleus’ of the Cologne coat of arms is the shield with the 11 ‘drops’ before the double-headed Roman Emperor Eagle. When Lars Heller redrew this authoritative icon he convinced the jury that commissioned the agency (this is on communication, 2001) to redesign the City’s entire Corporate Brand Identity.

for United Nations Volunteers

  • United Nations Volunteers Logo
    UN Volunteers

    The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that contributes to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide. The corporate brand identity focuses on fast and clear recognition. The wordmark excludes any kind of moral symbolism. The UN should be perceived immediately as a legal and reliable representative of an official mandate.

for The Art Fund

  • The Art Fund Logo

    International art-dealing is the return mechanism of Lichtenstein-based ‘The Art Fund’. Heller & C creates a currency sign for art as one of the oldest and still most vital asset systems. The logo combines the shapes of inital letters A and F with the double line of monetary iconography – and is elected among Europe’s best brand signs.

for Wurzel Mediagroup

  • Wurzel Mediagroup Logo

    The Southern-German Wurzel Mediagroup covers any thinkable production service from pre-press, programming and printing to publishing for online and offline media. Its successively integrated branches remain individual companies under a uniting umbrella. Heller & C creates an overall brand logo for quality as a common denominator. A precise visual grammar functions as a flexible framework for all communication matters of the mediagroup.

for Cantz

  • Cantz Logo

    Cantz, the renowned printing house has been based in Southern Germany for eight decades. The firm produces fine art catalogues for an international audience. Heller & C realizes a new Corporate Brand Identity including logo, claim, advertising, image and product brochures, website and signage system.

for Deltax

  • Deltax Logo

    Deltax is an account company with branches in Berlin, Cologne and Dresden. One service unit is specialized in the (tax) consultancy for foundations, galleries and many of Germany’s most renowned artists.

    For this reason Heller & C updated the name to ‘Deltax contemporary’ in the course of developing the entire Corporate Brand Identity programme.

for Lifta

  • Lifta Logo

    Germany’s market leader for chair lifts reorganizes its corporate brand identity. By order of the agency Tomahawk Heller & C develops a comprehensive visual concept focused on the established values of Lifta. A revamped swallow as a symbol for mobility and a stable wordmark are the core components of the new identity – embedded in an effective system that applies on all communication fronts.

for Green Climate Fund

  • Green Climate Fund Logo
    Green Climate Fund

    The purpose of the Green Climate Fund is to make a significant and ambitious contribution to the global efforts to combat climate change. Heller & C is asked to design a graphic framework that accompanies and supports the intricate political process. The assignment’s most important requirement is the option to establish a transparent but solid visual identity step-by-step.

  • Intro Selected Design Projects

    Clients appreciate our combination of anticipatory strategy and crafted design. We advocate truth to material, logic and function.


for Marcel Odenbach

  • Marcel Odenbach Logo
    Marcel Odenbach

    Heller & C designed a catalogue for German artist Marcel Odenbach – published for the exhibition in Kunstmuseum Bonn that showed the artist’s paper works from the past four decades.

for Sicilian fish restaurant ‘i piscaturi’

  • Sicilian fish restaurant ‘i piscaturi’ Logo
    i piscaturi

    Heller & C designs a new identity for a traditional Sicilian fish restaurant outside Palermo. The design is based on black and white photos of seaside sights around Sicily; the logo presents the fin of a typical Sicilian fish called ‘Lampuga’. An authentic soundtrack composed by Andreas Rheise for the website supports the emotional impact of the island’s maritime tradition.

for Rosemarie Trockel

  • Rosemarie Trockel Logo
    Rosemarie Trockel

    Germany’s most renowned art prize is the Kaiserring Award. When German artist Rosemarie Trockel got on the winners’ list Heller & C designed and produced the accompaning catalogue as well as the exhibiton’s communication material.

for Cologne City of the Arts

  • Cologne City of the Arts Logo
    Kunst- und Kulturstadt Köln

    Heller & C convinces the Cologne tourist board to invest their annual communication budget for a cultural year in a lasting book rather than in a short-lived ad-campaign. The book is a subjective, cultural inventory of that moment in the City’s life – written, designed, produced by the agency – and successfully handed to influential opinion formers across a multitude of boundaries.

for Rudolf Klein

  • Rudolf Klein Logo
    Rudolf Klein

    The renowned gold and silver smith workshop of Rudolf Klein represents an outstanding level of craftmanship and knowledge. To support the excellence of this reputation Heller & C creates a visual identity based on refined trend-resistent typography – similar to the iconography of exclusive watch making: small sized wordmark and an engraving alike embossing combined with selected, distinctive papers.

for Stiftung Stadtgedächtnis

  • Stiftung Stadtgedächtnis Logo
    Stiftung Stadtgedächtnis

    The Historical Archive of the City of Cologne tragically caved in on March 3, 2009. The foundation ‘Stiftung Stadtgedächtnis’ manages activities and philanthropic efforts to restore damaged items. In collaboration with the agency Tomahawk Heller & C contributes the concept of a corporate identity and the design of the first publications to raise funding.

for Leiko Ikemura

  • Leiko Ikemura Logo
    Leiko Ikemura

    Heller & C GmbH designed the announcement and communication items for the August-Macke-Award ceremony and the accompanying exhibition of Leiko Ikemura.

    The agency’s idea to produce separate posters for information and image allowed the artist to use the reproduction for other events.

for Kölnischer Kunstverein

  • Kölnischer Kunstverein Logo
    Kölnischer Kunstverein

    Lumpenball, the carnival feast of ‘Kölnischer Kunstverein’ began in the 1920s. August Sander was part of a carnival celebrating artist group and portraied many of his costumed friends. Today the revival of the Lumpenball is advertised by Heller & C by a mechanism that involves an art work of a Cologne-based artist every year.

for Frances Scholz

  • Frances Scholz Logo
    Frances Scholz

    Heller & C’s art direction for the catalogue ‘Frances Scholz – I give the world abstraction back’ focuses on an ideal reproduction of the presented paintings. The chosen typeface for titles and captions is developed for maps – a reason why it allows optimal readability in extremely small sizes – in support of the artworks.